The new Life of Ina

Premier broadcast: 09/06/2015 - 5,19 Mio / 17,3%

***** Director Florian Froschmayer & screenwriter Birgit Maiwald succeed in creating a feelgood movie with a strong realistic undercoat. –

(Thumbs up) Finely played, heartfelt encourager and pick-me-up. – TV Spielfilm

 Nominated for the Jupiter Award 2015 as best movie

The 55-year-old executive secretary Ina Becker loses her job of many years due to the insolvency of her company and has to reorient herself professionally. Everything seems hopeless. As a 50-something with 30 years of experience in the same job, Ina has hardly any realistic chance of finding her way back into the job market. 

 a 90-Minutes-Films production for ZDF

Regie: Florian Froschmayer

Genre: Comedy

Year of filming: 2014

Filming location: Berlin, Germany

Cast: Andrea Sawatzki, August Zirner, Runa Greiner, Eva Löbau, Maximilian Brückner, Claudia Eisinger, Thomas Scharff, Robert Lohr, Yung Ngo

Photo: © Britta Krehl / ZDF


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